People who are new to the case will probably find themselves wondering if there is a smoking gun, a single piece of evidence that proves that the massacre was the product of a conspiracy, or that Bryant was a patsy. There are, in fact, dozens of smoking guns in this case, and a list of the top ten smoking guns will be posted on this blog in the next few days. For the moment, though, a fact that should be better known is that, when Bryant staggered out of the burning Seascape guest house on th...
In 1996, mass murder was committed by an unknown gunman in a remote backwater of the island state of Tasmania in southern Australia. Thirty-five people were killed and many others wounded in an episode which holds the record for the most persons killed by a single shooter. The gunman was identified by the evening of April 28 as 29 year-old Hobart resident Martin Bryant, who was captured by police at 8.37 am on the morning of April 29 as he fled a house that had started burning at around 7am. ...