This blog is devoted to exposing the Port Arthur massacre in Australia in 1996. On April 28, 35 people were murdered by a professional shooter who remains at large. The carnage was blamed on patsy Martin Bryant in a police/government/media/legal frame up
Published on October 4, 2004 By portarthur In Welcome
In 1996, mass murder was committed by an unknown gunman in a remote backwater of the island state of Tasmania in southern Australia. Thirty-five people were killed and many others wounded in an episode which holds the record for the most persons killed by a single shooter. The gunman was identified by the evening of April 28 as 29 year-old Hobart resident Martin Bryant, who was captured by police at 8.37 am on the morning of April 29 as he fled a house that had started burning at around 7am. In the fallout from the massacre, Australia passed legislation banning semi-automatic weapons and Australians turned a collective blind eye to the predicament of Martin Bryant himself.

Reviled as a monster, no one cared that Bryant was denied his right to a fair trial. Instead, he was railroaded into pleading guilty, and today he rots in Risdon prison in Tasmania, where he is expected to die. Since 1996, however, evidence has slowly mounted demonstrating that he could not have been responsible for the killing spree. The turning point was the research of Perth investigator Joe Vialls, who has convinced many people interested in the case that the massacre had to have been committed by a professional shooter, not an intellectually-impaired amateur like Martin Bryant (whose IQ is supposed to be as low as 66).

The aim of this blog is to foster discussion of the Port Arthur conspiracy and educate Australians about the methods that were used to sell the public on the wildly erroneous idea that Martin Bryant was the killer.

Those who would like to do some research on the subject of the Port Arthur massacre are well-advised to start with the most extensive collection of materials online, that on the Shooters News website. Although many of the articles take a strong position against the 1996 gun control legislation, this does not detract from the fact that the materials collected here are mostly accurate and highly damning to the case against Martin Bryant. The URL for this collection is as follows:

Some of Joe Vialls's writings about Port Arthur, which have been suppressed from Vialls's own Geocities website (by Geocities, not by Vialls himself!), can be read online at (Enter Site A and scroll down the bar on the left to where it says "New World Order, PORT ARTHUR and Conspiracies.")

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: The author of this blog has chosen to remain anonymous so as to focus attention exclusively on the heinous nature of the crime committed at Port Arthur and the injustice that has been done to Martin Bryant. All I would add is that I am a truly independent writer - just a member of the general public, not a member of a political party or any other organization that might be seen as influencing or dictating my views. I would also add that I am not a member of the gun lobby and have no intention whatsoever of using this blog as a place to argue for my position on gun control, which I believe it is utterly irrelevant. My bias is simply a preference for the truth over disinformation and propaganda.

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